
Rustic Veggies 1

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sweat Everyday

Just  A Little Reminder! We don't have to do the gym everyday. We shouldn't anyways, your body needs days to rest. Never forget that. But that doesn't mean you can't be active everyday and work up a little sweat. By that I mean little things every day that help us stay active and burn more calories.

Take the Stairs.
Park in the back of the Parking Lot on a nice sunny day.
Do some lawn work.
Squat while working in low areas instead of sitting. 
Take a walk during a break.
Brush off a neighbors car during the winter snow. (If you get snow.)
Take every opportunity to walk where you can. (Plus it saves gas.)
Walk with a friend through the mall even if your not shopping.
Walk around the house while talking on the phone, or in the office at work.
Dance to your two favorite songs everyday back to back in the morning.

You get the idea! Remember to keep moving! That's what living a Fit Lifestyle is all about!

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