
Rustic Veggies 1

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Foundations for Eating

While building the New Fit Body program and getting a basis of knowledge that led to fixing my diet and lifestyle, I spent countless hours scouring the internet for information. Textbooks, journals, online resources all had so much to offer, but that was also the biggest problem. There was so much information available out there that it was hard to figure out what worked for me, and exactly what to start trying.

As I started to work on fueling my body better for being fit and active I struggled to change my diet. Even though it has been a long road there have been a lot of articles that helped me establish not only what I should be doing, but what was holding me back. I don't follow each and every suggestion but this article by a fitness training company called Precision Nutrition helped me identify what was lacking as well as helped me get a good idea of portion sizing and how much of each type of food to eat.

Of course these are just helpful guidelines. Anything I post is due to the fact that I think it has helpful information and can used for what you need. I always suggest you take from it what you want and need because everyone is different and there is no one way to do this!
ENJOY! is the link to the original article! They have a great website.

In this article you will find the three steps Precision Nutrition uses to help you fix a broken diet. The first step is identifying nutritional deficiencies and fix them with in your diet. They provide this chart:

Deficiencies graph How to fix a broken diet: 3 ways to get your eating on track

This chart shows how common nutritional deficiencies are in our diets. Our bodies are amazing but without the correction nutrients we might just not be running at our highest efficiency. The article then goes on to explain how to correct these problems.

The second step Precision Nutrition talks about is adjusting the foods you eat by looking at how much you are eating overall as well as how much of each food type your eating. The author explains why calorie counting is a flawed method and I agree with this. Instead the focus they use is calorie control.

This section also goes into body type, which I thought was interesting but I do not follow these guidelines strictly just as a general idea of portion, and how body type can help you decide what you eat.

Heres the Chart for the male and female body types they go into:

Body Types A How to fix a broken diet: 3 ways to get your eating on track

female somatotypes How to fix a broken diet: 3 ways to get your eating on track

Once you identify what type you are, there is a food portioning guide for each body type that is visually easy to follow. It even uses your fist as a guideline for measuring so that you don't have to carry around measuring cups with you. I really love the portion control aspect of this section. It was a big wake up call on how much I was really eating and what portions look like.

The third step they use is called fine tuning and this is the section dedicated to meal frequency, calorie and carb cycling, and work out nutrition. I scanned this section because I don't really follow any rules specifically when it comes to meal frequency, and I do not cycle foods. But, it is interesting to read about.

Overall this article was very informative and I love the program these guys run. 

Welcome to your New Fit Body

I Woke Up in a New Fit Body!

So I didn't just wake up in one. There has been a journey. But, here is a blog dedicated to all of us girls and guys, (all of who cannot be at the same place, eating and working out together every week so this is our meeting spot) that are over weight or obese, considered skinny or average size, and even those under weight looking for a new fit body.

How do we accomplish this? By starting the New Fit Body Program.

New- Eating Habits.
Fit- Active Lifestyle. 
Body- Changing Results.

Here's to an awesome journey!