
Rustic Veggies 1

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What the Heck is a Burpee?

I keep hearing about burpees. How good they are, how much they burn, how they are a full body workout. So I had to research them. It looks amazing but of course challenging. No challenge, no change.

So here's to me trying a burpees. If you'd like to try one this video was great for showing you how to do one correctly.

Also, after trying a burpee, or three, I realize that these are intense and I can see why they are so popular. I also hate them. So, they won't be in my everyday work outs, but they sure do shake things up!

30 Day Buns, Guns and Abs Challenge Day 1

Yea. It's day one. I will say it was a great start to the 30 day challenge. It was also my leg day at the gym. But I skipped lunges at the end and did the 50 squats for the challenge instead. My legs were shaking at the end of it. In fact, it felt a lot like the first few times I really started weight training my legs. It hurt to walk up stairs. I'm almost positive that's what tonight started to feel like and what tomorrow will bring.

Either way! I'm totally pumped. Plus, it helps that I have a photo that was taken just a few weeks ago and I didn't know it was being taken so I was not sucking in with a bathing suit on. I can see the real shape of my body. I will be using that as my before picture to see how this challenge shapes me at the end! I'll update every few days and keep you posted to see how it is going.

Oh and I did five real pushups! Real ones. Not modified. Not impressive to some, but for me that is huge!

I hope that you find a challenge to rock!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Truths About Weightloss

Wanted to share this article about some weight loss truths. I really feel the one about over estimating how many calories I burn and underestimating how many I eat.

This article even more importantly talks about how many people underestimate the impact diet has on weight loss even when working out. The other great issue they address is that working out is good, but living at Fit Lifestyle must accompany it as well.

young women in aerobics class

30 Day New Fit Body Challenge

This is the 30 day challenge I start tomorrow! I picked this one because me and my roommate did the 30 day squat challenge but did not finish it all the way through. I also want to incorporate doing pushups because I tried to do these in my room the other day and want to be able to do more!

This time no quitting. I was thrown off a lot of times because I would do leg day and then not feel like I should be squatting that much after. This time with this combination I will be skipping the squats on the days that overlap my gym legs day but doing the other two challenge exercises. The same goes for chest and abs day. When they over lap on my gym day I will just do the squats. This is only once a week so I should be reaping the full benefits of this challenge still!

I'm considering this my 30 day New Fit Body Challenge because I'm coupling this with a whole month of unprocessed fresh foods and not eating out. I want to wear a belly bearing costume this year because I will be going to a place that really does halloween big. Princess Jasmine will be the costume I am trying to wear. I have never felt good with even a little bit of my stomach showing and this halloween I want to change that.

Interested in doing the challenge as well? This challenge works great for a lot of people because it requires no equipment unless you want to incorporate weights with squats. Let me know, and post and comment of how you are going to do it. I can't wait to see the results. 

I Heart Fruits and Veggies

Daily Motivation!

I *heart* fruits and veggies.

Well definitely the fruits.

Working on loving the veggies.

But this picture really makes me want to eat them they are so pretty.

The real beauty of fruits and veggies are the unbelievable health benefits they offer.

Plant Sources of Protein

I don't always eat a diet with meat. Sometimes, due to the fact that I was a vegetarian for years, I do not feel like eating meet for a few weeks. I can go months with out meat but don't have to worry about protein intake because there are plenty of sources in my diet. Reducing your meat intake doesn't mean less protein. 

I often have people ask my "so how are you supposed to get your protein?" Well heres a list of veggies with great protein for you to browse! 

Consider this if you ever want to try a meat free fruits and veggies cleanse and worry about getting enough protein. 

Get going and get it over with.

This is true. I feel like this about running...

But the truth is. I tackle it first at the gym (unless it's leg day) so that I can get it over with. I don't want to dread it all through my workouts. And so I must tell me self, the sooner I start it, the sooner it's over. I know it's good for me, so do it first and get it over with! 

If you have any workouts that you don't like to do try doing them first and see if that helps you enjoy the rest of your work out. I know I used to avoid these until I was done and had to do them, but once I did them first it was a much happier work out. No need to spend the whole time dreading them.

The first Tip pictured is from a tumbler 

And it's one girls motivational picture record to keep her going. Which is what I use this blog for! Need motivation? Try keeping pictures that motivate you all in one place. 

Clean Up Your Food and Your Fridge

Here is a photo on the 7 Day fresh food challenge I tried last week. The point was to turn your otherwise processed food fridge (for me it was pizza and take out) into this beautiful picture of fresh foods. Fruits, Vegetables, and lean proteins would pile of every shelf. 

So I did it. My fridge also included lean chicken and some white fish which were baked. Fresh almonds also made their way into the fridge. I packed my fridge with these things and for one week tried eating only out of my new stock. Have to admit. I did eat out several times. It was hard to stop eating out cold turkey. But that aside, I replaced about 5 or 6 meals out with food from home. And because my stock pile was all healthy, it was so easy to eat healthy. 

Not, that I didn't get bored. I looked online to find new salad combinations. I actually tried baked fish on my salad. Not my favorite new food, but it was different. 

This is this weeks challenge as well. Except this time, I'm going to strive to eat or bring my meals with me everyday this week and not eat out. I felt so lean and not bloated last week it was amazing. Now will I do it 100% with out fail? I don't know. I managed not to eat out at work today even though it was tempting and waited until I got home to have dinner. That was a big victory. So here's to small steps and big victories. 

One thing I really got a good lesson on is that when temptations are not in front of me, I forget about them after a few minutes. I thought I wanted pizza last week so I opened the fridge and before I knew it I had forgotten about pizza and was making myself a healthy meal. And I was just as full after, without the bloat or greasy stomach. It seems easy to think "oh I just won't eat it" but I'm the kind of person that if it's there...I will reason some way to eat it. 

No temptations, no problems. 

Here's to another week of trying to eat healthy!

Challenge for Change

Daily Motivation.

Just a reminder that if you want your body to change you have to challenge it. The same-old same-old is what got us to what we didn't want. Challenge your workouts and your diet alike. Challenge yourself to try new workouts. Challenge yourself to have one less cheat meal. Challenge yourself to take the stairs and try a new veggie.

Good Luck!

One Woman's Rant On Not Actually Feeling Deprived

HERE IS A GREAT ARTICLE,, on why the auther does not feel deprived and why we shouldn't either. I love how she states that her choices are her own but we all have heard this before and shes sharing her take on it. Enjoy!


  1. The damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society.
  2. The lack or denial of something considered to be a necessity.


Eat Less Crap

This good food guide is cute and easy to remember. And going on my refrigerator.

This comes from the website where you can find amazing recipes for those of you who love to eat a less processed diet.

Right now my goal is to cut out processed foods and eat as many fruits, veggies, and lean proteins that I can. All the while cutting out processed foods and sugar. That is the New Fit Body lifestyle goal. Let me tell you, after years of buying packaged things, eating fresh is a challenge. This woman has an amazing list of recipes that make eating fresh foods and lean meats easy because everything she makes is delicious.

Bonus...the woman can make desserts healthy and delicious.

Here's a full list of her good food you can make...It's worth trying a few recipes.

So check her out. Here's an example of her take on a turkey burger...

Also, there is the breakdown of the "less crap, more food" picture. It really is worth posting on the fridge if it helps you remember some simple eating rules.

Plus, check out in my next post her awesome rant on how not to feel deprived by eating healthy.

Daily Motivation

Daily Motivation!

This fabulous quote came from which is a fitness blog I follow. It's full of great food ideas, motivational quotes, and workouts that you can print out. There is a cute "Easy as Pi" workout that I love. Check it out!

Weight Loss doesn't happen overnight.

Some of use wish there was a magic button to make all the weight fall off and gain us the muscle we want. But of course there isn't one. Which is why it seems so daunting when we look at the scale after a long week of good eating choices, saying no to icecream cake, and sweaty workouts and it only says down 1 lb!

Time to break the scale. Just kidding.

It's hard to believe in the end result and keep going when progress seems so slow. Sometimes the scale doesn't even budge a whole pound. But the important things to remember is that:

1. Losing 1 - 2 lbs a week is a healthy normal rate
2. Weight gain happens over a long period of time. Getting rid of it won't happen overnight.

Here's a good article about why losing only 1 - 2 lbs a week is normal and healthy. However, some people also lose weight easier so if in the first week you lose 5 lbs, don't panic. Water weight sometimes plays a role in that. Also, if you are following safe guide lines of caloric intake and reasonably working out then that is also healthy.

It also makes sense to be patient because this is not a quick fix, changing your life for your health is a lifestyle change. Lasting results means lasting changes in your diet and exercise. Doing the things that lose you 10 lbs a month most likely will gain your 10 lbs a month back when you go off that diet.  The New Fit Body lifestyle incorporates lasting changes that when those lbs you lose leave you, they stay off!

Sweat Everyday

Just  A Little Reminder! We don't have to do the gym everyday. We shouldn't anyways, your body needs days to rest. Never forget that. But that doesn't mean you can't be active everyday and work up a little sweat. By that I mean little things every day that help us stay active and burn more calories.

Take the Stairs.
Park in the back of the Parking Lot on a nice sunny day.
Do some lawn work.
Squat while working in low areas instead of sitting. 
Take a walk during a break.
Brush off a neighbors car during the winter snow. (If you get snow.)
Take every opportunity to walk where you can. (Plus it saves gas.)
Walk with a friend through the mall even if your not shopping.
Walk around the house while talking on the phone, or in the office at work.
Dance to your two favorite songs everyday back to back in the morning.

You get the idea! Remember to keep moving! That's what living a Fit Lifestyle is all about!